IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Hiroshima Chapter



2020年02月26日 / 共催・協賛イベント 過去のイベント /

開催日: 2020年3月9日(月)

※ コロナウィルスの影響により中止となりました.(2020.3.3 更新)

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Contribution Award

2020年02月22日 / Award Award受賞者 /

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Contribution Award
– 2017-2018 IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Organizing Committee

The Award Selection Committee in IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter chose the award winner group of “IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Contribution Award” from all the IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter (59) Members based on the achievements over the past 4 years. The 2017-2018 IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Organizing Committee took the leadership for activating the SMC research fields by planning and conducting International Workshops (IEEE IWCIAs) and Special Sessions in IEEE SMC Conferences. In addition, the group serves Chapter members by conducting Young Researchers’ Workshops, and Invited special lectures. Based on these activities, SMC Hiroshima Chapter was awarded “IEEE Outstanding SMCS Chapter Award” by the SMC Society in 2019. As a result, the SMC Hiroshima Chapter has been globally recognized as an outstanding chapter. Thus, the group contributed greatly for the development of the SMC fields in Hiroshima.

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Best Presentation Award

2020年02月22日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Shuichi Hashida (Hiroshima City University)
“Multi-Channel MHLF: LSTM-FCN using MACD-Histogram with Multi-Channel Input for Time Series Classification” Co-authored with Keiichi Tamura

The Award Selection Committee in IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter chose the award winner of “IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Best Presentation Award” from 10 candidates, whose papers have been submitted to “2019 IEEE 11th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications” held on November 9-10, 2019. The candidates must be under 35 years old and be IEEE SMC Society Members.

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award

2019年11月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Takeshi Kawachi (Hiroshima City University)
“A Proposal of An Adaptive Penalty Method with Balancing The Objective Function and The Constraints,” Co-authored with Jun-ichi Kushida, Akira Hara and Tetsuyuki Takahama

The Award Selection Committee, which is composed of five IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Officers and two executive committee members of Young Researchers’ Workshop, chose the award winner of “IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award” from 35 candidates, whose papers have been submitted to “2019 IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researchers’ Workshop” held on July 20, 2019. The award winner must be students under 35 years old and be IEEE SMC Society Members.


2019年07月23日 / 日本語 /

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapterのホームページを新しく移行しました.
過去のホームページの内容はこちらをご覧下さい .

2019年7月20日(土)にIEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter主催Special Lectureを開催します.

2019年07月06日 / 日本語 過去のイベント /


IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award

2018年12月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Masato Ono (Hiroshima University)
“Development of Decision Making with Value Function under Certainty,” Co-authored with Tomohiro Hayashida, Ichiro Nishizaki and Shinya Sekizaki

The Award Selection Committee, which is composed of five IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Officers and two executive committee members of Young Researchers’ Workshop, chose the award winner of “IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award” from 37 candidates, whose papers have been submitted to “2018 IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researchers’ Workshop” held on July 28, 2018. The award winner must be students under 35 years old and be IEEE SMC Society Members.

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Best Presentation Award

2018年04月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Yosuke Sakamoto (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
“Proposal of Sentiment-based Tourist Spot Recommendation System Using RDF Database,” Co-authored with Yasufumi Takama

The Award Selection Committee in IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter chose the award winner of “IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Best Presentation Award” from 14 candidates, whose papers have been submitted to “2017 IEEE 10th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications” held on November 11-12, 2017. The candidates must be under 35 years old and be IEEE SMC Society Members.

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award

2017年11月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Hiroyuki Yamamoto (Hiroshima University)
“Development of Interactive Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Considering Preference Structure of a Decision Maker,” Co-authored with Tomohiro Hayashida, Ichiro Nishizaki and Shinya Sekizaki

The Award Selection Committee in IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter chose the award winner of “IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award” from 35 candidates, whose papers have been submitted to “2017 IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researchers’ Workshop” held on July 22, 2017. The candidates must be students under 35 years old and be IEEE SMC Society Members.

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Contribution Award

2016年12月22日 / Award Award受賞者 /

2013-2014 IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Organizing Committee

The Award Selection Committee in IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter chose the award winner group of“IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Contribution Award”from all the IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter (66) Members based on the achievements over the past 4 years. The 2013~2014 IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Organizing Committee took the leadership for activating the SMC research fields by planning and conducting International Workshops (IEEE IWCIAs) and Special Sessions in IEEE SMC Conferences. In addition, the group serves Chapter members by conducting Young Researchers’ Workshops, a Software Contest, and Invited special lectures. These activities resulted in the rapid growth of the number of Chapter members. Based on these activities, SMC Hiroshima Chapter was awarded “IEEE Outstanding SMCS Chapter Award”by the SMC Society in 2015. As a result, the SMC Hiroshima Chapter has been globally recognized as an outstanding chapter. Thus, the group contributed greatly for the development of the SMC fields in Hiroshima.