IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter 若手研究会実行委員会奨励賞
– Daikichi Akagi (Hiroshima Institute of Technology)
“Chlorophyll Concentration Estimation Using
the Visible Light Spectrum of Water Surface Images”, co-authored with Ayumi Matsumoto and Toshihiko Hamasaki
– Ibuki Maeda (Hiroshima University)
“Solving the Cyclic Dynamic Scheduling Problem
with the Parallel Genetic Programming Using the Elite Individuals”, co-authored with Tomohiro Hayashida, Daisuke Hirotani, Ichiro Nishizaki, and Shinya Sekizaki
– Naoki Takahashi (Hiroshima University)
“A Study of Robust Unit Commitment based on
IGDT Against Uncertainties of Photovoltalic Power”, co-authored with Yutaka Sasaki, Yoshifumi Zoka, and Naoto Yorino