IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Hiroshima Chapter


IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award

2013年11月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Tatsuhiro Sakai (Hiroshima City University)
“Density-based Clustering Considering Document Similarity for Extracting Local Topics,” Co-authored with Keiichi Tamura, and Hajime Kitakami
– Shingo Tamura (Hiroshima City University)
“Summarizing the Results of a Keyword Research on Tweets with Web-Images,” Co-authored with Keiichi Tamura, and Hajime Kitakami

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award

2012年12月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Ryosuke Sakato (Hiroshima University) 
“Development of ACS2 with Memory for Non-Markov Environments,”Co-authored with Tomohiro Hayashida and Ichiro Nishizaki 
– Kaishi Hirahara (Hiroshima City University) 
“Burst Detection Method for Document Stream on Multi-Core CPU,”Co-authored with Keiichi Tamura, Hajime Kitakami and Shingo Tamura 
– Shin Kamada (Prefectural University of Hiroshima) 
“A Proposal of Generating Method of Antibody and Immunological Memory Cell in Clonal Selection Algorithm,”Co-authored with Takumi Ichimura

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award

2011年07月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Qingqiang Guo (Hiroshima University)
“A  Hybrid Algorithm Based on Memetic Algorithms and Tabu Search for k-Minimum  Spanning Tree Problems,” Co-authored with Hideki Katagiri, Ichiro Nishizaki and Tomohiro Hayashida