IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Hiroshima Chapter


IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Contribution Award

2016年12月22日 / Award Award受賞者 /

2013-2014 IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Organizing Committee

The Award Selection Committee in IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter chose the award winner group of“IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Contribution Award”from all the IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter (66) Members based on the achievements over the past 4 years. The 2013~2014 IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Organizing Committee took the leadership for activating the SMC research fields by planning and conducting International Workshops (IEEE IWCIAs) and Special Sessions in IEEE SMC Conferences. In addition, the group serves Chapter members by conducting Young Researchers’ Workshops, a Software Contest, and Invited special lectures. These activities resulted in the rapid growth of the number of Chapter members. Based on these activities, SMC Hiroshima Chapter was awarded “IEEE Outstanding SMCS Chapter Award”by the SMC Society in 2015. As a result, the SMC Hiroshima Chapter has been globally recognized as an outstanding chapter. Thus, the group contributed greatly for the development of the SMC fields in Hiroshima.

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award

2016年12月22日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Shin Kamada (Hiroshima City University)
“A Consideration of Knowledge Acquisition from Adaptive Learning Method of Deep Belief Network,” Co-authored with Takumi Ichimura

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Best Presentation Award

2016年12月22日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Shin Kamada (Hiroshima City University)
“A Recommendation System of Grants to Acquire External Funds,” Co-authoerd with Takumi Ichimura

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Best Student Presentation Award

2016年03月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Hideaki Hayashi (Hiroshima University)
“A Non-Gaussian Approach for Biosignal Classification Based on the Johnson SU Translation System” Co-authoerd with Yuichi Kurita and Toshio Tsuji

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award

2015年11月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Toshiki Nishio (Hiroshima City University)
“Proposal of Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization with Multi-dimensional Mutation,” Co-authored with Jun-ichi Kushida, Akira Hara, and Tetsuyuki Takahama
– Kentaro Uehara (Hiroshima University)
“A Study for Retailer’s Risk Hedge Considering Responses of Consumers  in Electricity Liberalization,” Co-authored with Shinya Sekizaki, Ichiro Nishizaki, and Tomohiro Hayashida

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Best Student Presentation Award

2015年07月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Tatsuhiro Sakai (Hiroshima City University)
“Identifying Bursty Areas of Emergency Topics in Geotagged Tweets using Density-based Spatiotemporal Clustering Algorithm” Co-authoerd with Keiichi Tamura

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award

2014年11月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Issei Tachibana (Prefectural University of Hiroshima)
“Reasoning Based Recommendation System for Hiroshima Tourist by Information in Emotion Orientated Interface by Fuzzy Petri Net,” Co-authored with Takumi Ichimura
– Shota Kotozaki (Hiroshima City University)
“Location-based Burst Detection Considering Spatiotemporal Densities,” Co-authored with Keiichi Tamura, and Hajime Kitakami
– Tatsuya Kawai(Doshisha University)
“Statistical Analysis of the Influence of the Capital Structure on the Stock Price,” Co-authored with Hiroshi Tsuda

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award

2014年11月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

Best Software Application

– Shin Kamada (Liaison and Communication Center,   Prefectural University of Hiroshima)
“Registration System of Cloud Campus by using Android Smart Tablet,” Co-authored with Takumi Ichimura, Tetsuya Shigeyasu, and Yasuhiko Takemoto

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Best Student Presentation Award

2013年11月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Yosuke Watanuki (Hiroshima City University)
“Parallel Processing of Approximate Sequence Matching using Disk-based Suffix Tree on Multi-core CPU,” Co-authored with Keiichi Tamura, Hajime Kitakami, and Yoshifumi Takahashi

IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Best Presentation Award

2013年11月01日 / Award Award受賞者 /

– Toshihiko Nishimura (Yokohama National University)
“Detecting Electrical stimulation of Cortical Mapping from Recorded Awake Surgery Sounds,” Co-authored with Tomoharu Nagao