Election for officials 2017−2018

Announcement of Candidates for IEEE Fukuoka Section Officers and Executive Committee Members for 2017/2018

October 12th, 2016
Dear IEEE Fukuoka Section Members,

Pursuant to the provisions of the MGA Oprations Manual and Addendum of Fukuoka Section, the following candidates have been nominated for the Fukuoka Section's 2017/2018 Officers and Members of the Executive Committee. This announcement is made upon approval by the Nomination Committee.

Officer Candidates:

  • Chair:
    Tanemasa ASANO
    Professor, Kyushu University
  • Vice Chair:
    Masayoshi ARITSUGI
    Professor, Kumamoto University
  • Secretary:
    Hiromi YUASA
    Professor, Kyushu University
  • Treasurer:
    Koichiro TANAKA
    Professor, Kyushu Sangyo University

If you wish to recommend additional candidates other than the above, please submit a petition with the signatures of 1% (8 persons) or more of the Section’s voting members, that is, higher grade than Graduate Student Member. The petition should reach the Section Office (see the following address) by November 12th, 2016. In the event that plural candidates are nominated, the ballot election would be conducted.

Sincerely yours,

Address of the Section Office:

IEEE Fukuoka Section
Research Support Department
Institute of Systems, Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies (ISIT)
Fukuoka SRP Center Building 7F
2-1-22 Momochihama, Sawara-ku,
Fukuoka 814-0001 Japan
FAX: 092-852-3455

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Last-modified: 2016-10-12 (水) 11:38:27 (3018d)