Successive Awardees
2009: Dr. Takao Hinamoto (Emeritus Prof. of Hiroshima University)
2010: Dr. Tadao Ichikawa (Emeritus Prof. of Hiroshima University) and Naoki Kannnari (NEC Corporation)
2012: Dr. Ikuo Awai (Ryutech, Co., Ltd.)
2014: Dr. Hideo Sumani (Emeritus Prof. of Hiroshima University)
2015: Prof. Toshiaki Tsuchiya (Shimane University)
2016: Prof. Yoshiaki Kakuda (Hiroshima City University)
2017: Prof. Masahiro Hirakawa (Shimane University)
2018: Prof. Masashi Hotta (Yamaguchi University)
Rules and Procedures
- The Section Contribution Award has been established with the purpose of honoring an individual with outstanding contributions to sections’ activities and noticeable achievements.
- The nominee must be signed by at least five (5) Section members, or at least one (1) current or successive committee member. A member can nominate only one (1) nominee.
- The nominee must be nominated by others. A person who is in the course of duty in Hiroshima Section cannot be the nominee.
- An award-winner is given a certificate and a prize medal, and listed in the Section Web site.
- Amendments of these rules may gain approval by the Section Executive Committee.
- Section Chair shall establish the Selection Committee on every January. Selection Committee Chair shall be Section Chair. The committee members shall be Section Executive Committee members. The nominee shall be nominated to the Selection Committee by the end of June.
- Secretary shall make a list of nominees by the end of July.
- The Selection Committee shall deliberate based on the list of nominees, decide the winner(s), and make a record consisting of the name and achievements of the winner by the end of September.
- Secretary shall notify the winner(s) of the decision and arrange the schedule of the award presentation ceremony.