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11 October, 2011

More than six months have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and the subsequent Tsunami devastated the pacific coast of North East Japan. Over 20,000 people have either lost their lives or are still missing, the hardest hit prefectures being Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima. Lots of people lost their houses and belongings and are forced to take shelter as evacuees. To make the matter worse, nuclear accident forced more than 124,000 persons to leave their home temporarily. The unprecedented triple calamities have changed forever the landscape and life of North-East Japan. We would like to extend our heartfelt sympathy to all the people who suffered and are still suffering immensely as a result of this enormous disaster.

During the most difficult time, Japanese people were being praised for their resilience by the whole world. More than 130 nations and various international organizations came forward with sincere help. People from all over the world volunteered to clear up the debris, and rushed to rescue works. Thousands of well wishers around the globe expressed their support and solidarity through donations and other means. Once again the power of humanity, friendship and bonding (kizuna) is being greatly realized.

"Every cloud has a silver lining" and difficult times always lead to better days. Now is the time for recovery. We need to unite once again and use all our resources to build a better place and a better society for nurturing our future generations. Let all the evils be washed away with tsunami and a new vibrant society capable of cooperating and reciprocating with international community be born. Such a rebirth of the Japanese society is long overdue. Let us join our hands and work together for the dreams to come true.

Basabi Chakraborty



東日本大震災,それに続く津波が東北地方太平洋岸を襲ってから半年余が過ぎようとしています.岩手県,宮城県,福島県は深刻な被害を受け,2万人余の方々が死亡もしくは行方不明となりました.そしてなお多くの方が生活と仕事の基盤を失い,避難生活を余儀なくされている状況です.それに追い打ちをかけるような原発事故により,12万4千人を超える人々がやむなく家を後にされています.このかつて類を見ない3つの災害は東北の景観と人々の生活を一変させました.私たちIEEE JC WIE はこの甚大な災害で被災された皆さまに心よりお見舞い申し上げます.


"Every cloud has a silver lining" 困難な日々もいつかは幸福の日々となります.今は回復のための時間です.私たちは今一度団結し,次世代の若者達のためにより良い場所,より良い社会を作っていくことを目指して,全身全霊をささげ努力しなくてはなりません.国際社会と相互に協力できる活気に満ちた新しい社会を作りましょう.日本社会にとってこれは大きなチャンスです.新しい社会を構築するという夢の実現のために,皆さんと手を携えて共に働くことを願っています.

Basabi Chakraborty
バサビ チャクラボルティ