IEEE Reliability Society Japan Chapter

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News Letter Articles


IEEE Reliability Society News Letters には,各 Chapter の活動状況を報告する記事が掲載されます.以下に,Japan Chaper の活動を記した記事を転載します.

2004 November

As I wrote in the August issue of this Newsletter, the Japan Chapter held its annual symposium on risk engineering on October 1 at the Tokyo Campus of the University of Tsukuba. The topic of this year was, “Human-machine collaborations in an emergency.” Toshio Tsukahara (Capt.) and Tetsuaki Nakagawa (First Officer) of the Japan Airlines delivered a remarkable lecture for the topic, based on their experiences and simulation studies.

Firstly, they explained functionalities of various automated warning systems in the flightdeck, such as the stall warning system, the takeoff warning system, the wind shear warning system, the enhanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS), and the traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS). Secondly, they classified the automated warning systems into some categories from a human factors point of view. Human control behavior can be skill-based, rule-based, or knowledge-based. The automated warning systems can thus be classified by the criterion, “which level of human control behavior the warning system is supposed to support or enhance.” Based on the classification, they extended their discussion how human pilots can collaborate with the automated warning systems in situational recognition, decision-making, and action implementation. Finally, Capt. Tsukahara and Mr. Nakagawa gave us their research results on pilot procedures (specified by the Operation Manuals) and aircraft performance under the circumstances when TCAS sets off a resolution advisory, such as “Climb, climb, climb!” at very high altitude (say, 32,000 ft). They conducted a field study and simulator investigations with the help of their colleagues. They investigated capability and efficacy of several control strategies for collision avoidance. One of the strategies is the one currently in use, and some of them are brand new.

Airline pilots, aviation researchers, authorities, and reliability and safety engineers/researchers of non-aviation domains, such as automobile, trains, and process plants attended the symposium. The total number of audience was around 60. Everybody enjoyed the 2-hour lecture by Capt. Tsukahara and Mr. Nakagawa. The Q&A session after the lecture did not come to an end even when one hour had already elapsed (the scheduled time length for the Q&A session was 30 minutes).

Toshiyuki Inagaki, Chair
Japan Chapter

© 2005 IEEE Reliability Society Japan Chapter