
 ハイパフォーマンスコンピュータ用プログラミング言語、並列化コンパイラ等のご研究で有名な IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Dr. Vivek Sarkar による講演会を下記のように開催致します。
 ご講演内容は米国スーパーコンピュータプロジェクトに関連してIBMで開発中の新プログラミング言語 X10 に関してでございます。


IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter Chair
早稲田大学 理工学術院 コンピュータ・ネットワーク工学科
〒169-8555 東京都新宿区大久保 3-4-1

Dr. Vivek Sarkar講演会のご案内

IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter

日時: 2006年7月4日(火) 午後3:00−4:30
場所: 早稲田大学理工学術院62W号館1階大会議室
     〒169-8555 新宿区大久保3−4−1


参加: 無料

X10: An Object-Oriented Approach to Non-Uniform Cluster Computing

Dr. Vivek Sarkar, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

It is now well established that the device scaling predicted by Moore's Law is no longer a viable option for increasing the clock frequency of future uniprocessor systems at the rate that had been sustained during the last two decades. As a result, future systems are rapidly moving from uniprocessor to multiprocessor configurations, so as to use parallelism instead of frequency scaling as the foundation for increased compute capacity. The dominant emerging multiprocessor structure for the future is a Non-Uniform Cluster Computing (NUCC) system with nodes that are built out of multi-core SMP chips with non-uniform memory hierarchies, and interconnected in horizontally scalable cluster configurations such as blade servers. Unlike previous generations of hardware evolution, this shift will have a major impact on existing software. Current OO language facilities for concurrent and distributed programming are inadequate for addressing the needs of NUCC systems because they do not support the notions of non-uniform data access within a node, or of tight coupling of distributed nodes. We have designed a modern object-oriented programming language, X10, for high performance, high productivity programming of NUCC systems. A member of the partitioned global address space family of languages, X10 highlights the explicit reification of locality in the form of places; lightweight activities embodied in async, future, foreach, and ateach constructs; a construct for termination detection (finish); the use of lock-free synchronization (atomic blocks); and the manipulation of cluster-wide global data structures. We present an overview of the X10 programming model and language, experience with our reference implementation, and results from some initial productivity comparisonsbetween the X10 and Java(TM) languages.

This is joint work with other members of the X10 core team ---Vijay Saraswat, Raj Barik, Philippe Charles, Christopher Donawa, Christian Grothoff, Allan Kielstra, Igor Peshansky, and Christoph von Praun.

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Dr. Sarkar講演会事務局宛

