ieeelogo bulletin
No.91 (December 26, 2014)
IEEE Tokyo Section Publications Committee Chair  Haruko Kawahigashi

Message from the Tokyo section chair at the end of two year term
2013-2014 Tokyo Section Chair
Toshitaka TSUDA, (Ph.D., Waseda University)

While I am feeling that I just started my role as a Tokyo section chair quite recently, the fact is that only two weeks left till the end of my two year term. I feel the time passes quickly these days. During the past two years, owing to the very strong supports given by committee members, administration office members, and the most importantly Tokyo section members, I could carry out the chair’s role. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all. I attended very enjoyable event such as celebration receptions for new IEEE Fellow members, and Milestone Recognition Award presentation ceremonies. These will remain as good memory of my life.

During the period, one of the focuses of activities was the transition of chapters belong to Japan council to Tokyo section, in addition to regular events like section hosted workshops, events supported by LMAG, YPs, and WiE, and publishing bulletins. Since the regular structure is that chapters belong to some section, JC decided the chapter transition to sections in the previous period. In addition, the lack of chapters belonging to Tokyo made the structure of the section unusual as a large section. These made the transition of chapters as the major activity of the section during the last period. The initial plan was to complete the transition in the first year, and start the second year with a new structure. In reality, it was a very difficult and time/effort consuming task. A large number of chapters wished to have operational support of Tokyo section, and this naturally resulted in that Tokyo section, actually Dr. Chiba, secretary, will formulate the transition flow, and this took the long time. Moreover, most of the chapter should be reformed as joint chapters of several sections, it was requested to collect transition agreements of all the involved sections, and this again took time. Process at the headquarter took 7 – 12 months. Due to all of these things, the approval of transition just started recently, but it is now moving smoothly. Thanks to the very hard works of involved people, the objective finally reached to the start line to be completed.

Based on the common recognition of IEEE that IEEE should consider increasing the value proposition to the engineers working in industry sector, I involved the activity to establish Industry Promotion Committee in Japan Council. In line with this, Tokyo section decided to organize the Japan first Metro Area Workshop next year, and also hosted extra event of joint LMAG, YPs, and WiE as a pre-workshop for the coming MAW jointly with Japan Council. This event could attract more audiences, and I was very impressed by the successful result. Especially, many volunteers from YPs helped the management. I was very grateful to see younger generation proactively support the management of the event.

I attended R10 meeting twice, and also the section congress which was held this year. In attending these meetings, I felt the breadth of IEEE, and expanded the human network.

Two years were indeed a short period. Unfortunately, I could not achieve such many things, it was a memorable period for myself. I hope the Tokyo section activities become more and more attractive to members in future.

I thank you again for all the supports given to me.

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