IEEE SSCS Kansai Chapter Technical Seminar

IEEE SSCS Kansai Chapterでは,下記の日程で技術セミナーを開催致します.
今回は,Dr. Alvin Loke講演会を実施します.
タイトルは「Driving Automotive ICs into Advanced CMOS」で,車載エレクトロニクスの進化に関する講演です.

神戸大学自然科学3号館7階西ゼミ室(706号室); Access Map
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Kansai Chapter
Driving Automotive ICs into Advanced CMOS
Dr. Alvin Loke

Automotive processors have become a multi-billion dollar market with ever growing demand for advanced silicon. Cars today are increasingly featured with better safety/autonomy, electrification, and connectivity. In this talk, we will cover how automotive electronics is evolving towards domain and zonal topologies to integrate more functionality, and provide a brief overview of NXP's portfolio to enable this evolution. We will discuss the opportunities and challenges that accompany the migration of these very cost-sensitive products to advanced CMOS nodes incorporating the fully depleted finFET. We will also summarize the key process technology elements that have enabled the advanced finFET CMOS nodes, highlighting the resulting device technology characteristics and challenges impacting design.

Dr. Alvin Loke is a Fellow at NXP Semiconductors in San Diego, having worked on CMOS nodes spanning 250nm to 2nm. He received his B.A.Sc. from the University of British Columbia, and M.S. and Ph.D. from Stanford. Upon graduating, he spent several years in CMOS process integration. Since 2001, he has worked on analog/mixed-signal design focusing on a variety of wireline links, design/model/technology interface, and analog design methodologies at Agilent, AMD, Qualcomm, TSMC, and now NXP. He has been an active IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) volunteer since 2003, having served as Distinguished Lecturer, AdCom, CICC Committee Member, Webinar Chair, Denver and San Diego Chapter Chair, as well as JSSC and SSCL Guest Editor. He currently serves in the VLSI Symposium committee and as SSCS Chapters Chair. Alvin has authored over 60 publications including the CICC 2018 Best Paper and invited short courses at ISSCC, VLSI Symposium, and BCICTS.

Last modified: June. 14, 2023