*Officials 2013−2014 [#j6b3b9b8]

RIGHT:November 1st, 2012

Dear IEEE Fukuoka Section Members,

Pursuant to the provisions of the MGA Operations Manual and Addendum of Fukuoka Section, the following candidates have been erected as Fukuoka Section's
2013/2014 Officers and Members of the Executive Committee.
This announcement is made upon approval by the Section Executive Committee.

FUKUNAGA, Hirotoshi, Professor,~
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ~
Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University~

-Vice Chair:~
KUBODERA, Shoichi, Professor,~
Department of Electorical and Electoronic Engineering,~
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,~
Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University~

NAGAHARA, Hajime, Associate Professor,~
Department of Advance Information Technology,~
Grad. School of I.S.E.E., Kyushu University~

MATSUMOTO, Satoshi, Professor,~
Department Electrocal Engineering and Electronics,~
Department Electrical Engineering and Electronics,~
Grad. School of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology~

Sincerely yours,

RIGHT:IEEE Fukuoka Section
RIGHT:Chair:Tsutomu SASAO

Address of the Section Office:

 IEEE Fukuoka Section
 Research Planning Department
 Institute of Systems &Information Technologies/KYUSHU Fukuoka SRP Center Building 7F
 2-1-22 Momochihama, Sawara-ku,
 Fukuoka 814-0001 Japan
 FAX: 092-852-3465

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