IEEE Professional

Communication Society - Japan

IEEE PCSJ Annual Conference 2009

Conference Timetable

Welcome Address (10:00‐10:15) by Laurence Anthony
Keynote Lecture (10:15‐11:30)
Serious English Education for Serious Engineering Schools
(ORR, Thomas)

15 min. break

Session 1 (11:45‐12:45)
Pictogram Elements as a Means of Communication in Manufacturing Settings
(YAMAZAKI, Atsuko K)
Pronunciation Improvement for Science and Engineering Students: Promoting Autonomy in External Learning
(ROSE, Ralph)

Lunch ‐ served on site
Session 2 (14:00‐15:30)
A Changing World: Rising Dominance of the Non‐Native Speaker
(ROZYCKI, William)
Training Japanese Industry Research Engineers to Write Proper Technical Papers in English
(ONO, Yoshimasa A.)
A Fast‐Access, Scalable Database Architecture for Web Based Corpora Learning
(ANTHONY, Laurence Anthony; OGHIGIAN, Kathryn; CHUJO, Kiyomi)

15 min. break

PCSJ Annual Board Meeting (15:45‐16:45)
(open to all participants) Introduction of 2010 IEEE PCSJ Chapter Officers Planned Activities/Events for 2010

Closing Address (16:45‐17:00)

An informal dinner at restaurant near site is also planned: 17:00‐19:00